jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009

Criminal Laws

I think that the capital punishment reduce the criminaly, but I don`t believe that it is a good solution, because it is an unfair measure for the persons might have made offense, since we don`t have the rights of the got the life of this persons. This measure bring fear between the persons and at the same time it legitimize the violence, the offenseand the murder inside the society. Although some persons believe that this measure have pros in capital punishment because it "eliminate" to the persons that are a public menace, I think that this mesaure don`t pros, only it cause cons in the society and since in the persons.

Is difficult to suggest a measure should the goverment take to reduce criminality rates in Santiago, because I believe that are varied the reason that origin the crimes.

In your opinion, what is the origin of the increasing criminality rates in Chile?
For example, today the increasing criminaly rates in Chile and the posibble causes derive of the Politician sistem Chilean, Economic sistem Chilean and Social sistem Chilean. Social inequality, high prices. Other posibble cause derivan the valour and personality of the persons.

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