Our dicipline should facing several important challenges in three diferent areas: the Technology, Social matters and Education. In this dicipline the technology is very important, because the education need to be updet with the advances of the global social. So, nowadays the dicipline need to add the new technology in the learning. This should happen always.
But, the access to this techonology is uneven, because this access demand many money. This is a social problem and so this is educational problem too that we should to be conscious of the problem, because we should assure us that all the student could have the same opportunity of learning, this is a big challenge for the sociaty, the education and the school community too.
I think that the education have facing challenges constantly, so is very important that we reflect about this challenges in diferent matters in diferent contexs acording to the student need connect with the global social. This is a our duy.
jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

The football world is in mourning
Today around the world, the Media speak about the suicide of Robert Enke. He was a german talented goalkeeper and he was very young, only he has thirty two years old. This goalkeeper will participate in the football world championship, he also had participate in the next game of Gemany against of Chile. But this game was cancel because your fellow team were very sad, so they asked that the ANFP cancel this game, and it agreed your request inmediately.
Lamentably, he decided to comint suicide the 10th Tuesday of november, because he couldn't stand the pain that the death of your little daughter to provoke him. Lara is the name of your little daughter, she die of a cardiac illness and she was buried near of the rail way. There, in the north of Hannover the german goalkeeper decided flung himself to that rail. Of this manner Robert Enke cominted suicide.
jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009
Improving your Faculty Facilities

Lately we can to use several facilities in the Social Faculty, for example: Computer room, Library, Cafeteria, Gim, Restroom and two Photocopiers.
Lately the situation in the Social Faculty about the Facilities has been improved, but in general I think that even the facilities of this Faculty have problems of infrastucture and coverage, for example the number of computer do not enough for the quantity of student that need to use it.
The space of the Library is small and it need more book present for each carrer according with its need academically, specially for the Preschool and Primary Teaching Training carrer program. The Restroom should to have more number of toilet, more ventilation for it have better small, and it should always have available toilet paper too. The Cafeteria should have more variety of products for it offer us, it lower of the its products, and the dishes should be more blunt and it identical for the student, teachers and functionaries.
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