jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009


The football world is in mourning

Today around the world, the Media speak about the suicide of Robert Enke. He was a german talented goalkeeper and he was very young, only he has thirty two years old. This goalkeeper will participate in the football world championship, he also had participate in the next game of Gemany against of Chile. But this game was cancel because your fellow team were very sad, so they asked that the ANFP cancel this game, and it agreed your request inmediately.

Lamentably, he decided to comint suicide the 10th Tuesday of november, because he couldn't stand the pain that the death of your little daughter to provoke him. Lara is the name of your little daughter, she die of a cardiac illness and she was buried near of the rail way. There, in the north of Hannover the german goalkeeper decided flung himself to that rail. Of this manner Robert Enke cominted suicide.

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