Our dicipline should facing several important challenges in three diferent areas: the Technology, Social matters and Education. In this dicipline the technology is very important, because the education need to be updet with the advances of the global social. So, nowadays the dicipline need to add the new technology in the learning. This should happen always.
But, the access to this techonology is uneven, because this access demand many money. This is a social problem and so this is educational problem too that we should to be conscious of the problem, because we should assure us that all the student could have the same opportunity of learning, this is a big challenge for the sociaty, the education and the school community too.
I think that the education have facing challenges constantly, so is very important that we reflect about this challenges in diferent matters in diferent contexs acording to the student need connect with the global social. This is a our duy.
jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

The football world is in mourning
Today around the world, the Media speak about the suicide of Robert Enke. He was a german talented goalkeeper and he was very young, only he has thirty two years old. This goalkeeper will participate in the football world championship, he also had participate in the next game of Gemany against of Chile. But this game was cancel because your fellow team were very sad, so they asked that the ANFP cancel this game, and it agreed your request inmediately.
Lamentably, he decided to comint suicide the 10th Tuesday of november, because he couldn't stand the pain that the death of your little daughter to provoke him. Lara is the name of your little daughter, she die of a cardiac illness and she was buried near of the rail way. There, in the north of Hannover the german goalkeeper decided flung himself to that rail. Of this manner Robert Enke cominted suicide.
jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009
Improving your Faculty Facilities

Lately we can to use several facilities in the Social Faculty, for example: Computer room, Library, Cafeteria, Gim, Restroom and two Photocopiers.
Lately the situation in the Social Faculty about the Facilities has been improved, but in general I think that even the facilities of this Faculty have problems of infrastucture and coverage, for example the number of computer do not enough for the quantity of student that need to use it.
The space of the Library is small and it need more book present for each carrer according with its need academically, specially for the Preschool and Primary Teaching Training carrer program. The Restroom should to have more number of toilet, more ventilation for it have better small, and it should always have available toilet paper too. The Cafeteria should have more variety of products for it offer us, it lower of the its products, and the dishes should be more blunt and it identical for the student, teachers and functionaries.
jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009
Election Day
I was registered to vote from five years ago, when I have eighteen years. I believe that is important that we give our opinión about the policies, because we could to choose a representative govern of our ideas, howeber I believe this dificult because in the next election neither presidential candidate to propose ideas that it convince me. So, I believe that my vote is important, because I say that I disagree with your ideas. An invalid vote is important too, because it represent that there are any bad in this election. Any does not order.
In my opinion the electoral campaings only spend many Money, and I believe this do not need. In the electoral campaings there are many lies, so I think the persons should to reflect about the proposes and solutions of the presidential candidate for to social, economic, educational problems. We should to compare the diferent ideas and so we should review it too.
The person running for president should to have good intentions, this is the qualitie most important for me.
In my opinion the electoral campaings only spend many Money, and I believe this do not need. In the electoral campaings there are many lies, so I think the persons should to reflect about the proposes and solutions of the presidential candidate for to social, economic, educational problems. We should to compare the diferent ideas and so we should review it too.
The person running for president should to have good intentions, this is the qualitie most important for me.
jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009
Criminal Laws
I think that the capital punishment reduce the criminaly, but I don`t believe that it is a good solution, because it is an unfair measure for the persons might have made offense, since we don`t have the rights of the got the life of this persons. This measure bring fear between the persons and at the same time it legitimize the violence, the offenseand the murder inside the society. Although some persons believe that this measure have pros in capital punishment because it "eliminate" to the persons that are a public menace, I think that this mesaure don`t pros, only it cause cons in the society and since in the persons.
Is difficult to suggest a measure should the goverment take to reduce criminality rates in Santiago, because I believe that are varied the reason that origin the crimes.
In your opinion, what is the origin of the increasing criminality rates in Chile?
For example, today the increasing criminaly rates in Chile and the posibble causes derive of the Politician sistem Chilean, Economic sistem Chilean and Social sistem Chilean. Social inequality, high prices. Other posibble cause derivan the valour and personality of the persons.
Is difficult to suggest a measure should the goverment take to reduce criminality rates in Santiago, because I believe that are varied the reason that origin the crimes.
In your opinion, what is the origin of the increasing criminality rates in Chile?
For example, today the increasing criminaly rates in Chile and the posibble causes derive of the Politician sistem Chilean, Economic sistem Chilean and Social sistem Chilean. Social inequality, high prices. Other posibble cause derivan the valour and personality of the persons.
Isla de Pascua: A country I would like to visit
I would like to go to Isla de Pascua for several reasons. I lovely too visit this island because its landscape is really beautiful. Anyway the culture of its people is very mystic as their style life, belief, rituals, dancing and tipical food too. But the more brigth for me are the Moais, wich are a only statues kind in the world. I love this island because it is mystic and exotic.
Isla de Pascua is a Chilean Island locate in Ocean Pacific center and it belongs to Valparaiso, wich is the fifth region of Chile. The Rapanui is its original language; and this island is very well-know for its dancing and Moais, wich are big stone estatues.
I would like to go to xxx beach, to swim underwater, know its histories, the schools and the education of it, anyway i would like to visit the Moais, to dance its typical dancing and to eat very much ist typical food.
Now, I don`t think to study, work or live in Isla de Pascua, but if in the future I will need and I would to live there, I live in Isla de Pascua. I believe that I will study here only if I will know something that it attract my attencion and it cause me many curious for example something related with education, sport or culture, but really I don`t know if I would like to study, work or live in this island.
Isla de Pascua is a Chilean Island locate in Ocean Pacific center and it belongs to Valparaiso, wich is the fifth region of Chile. The Rapanui is its original language; and this island is very well-know for its dancing and Moais, wich are big stone estatues.
I would like to go to xxx beach, to swim underwater, know its histories, the schools and the education of it, anyway i would like to visit the Moais, to dance its typical dancing and to eat very much ist typical food.
Now, I don`t think to study, work or live in Isla de Pascua, but if in the future I will need and I would to live there, I live in Isla de Pascua. I believe that I will study here only if I will know something that it attract my attencion and it cause me many curious for example something related with education, sport or culture, but really I don`t know if I would like to study, work or live in this island.
jueves, 13 de agosto de 2009
First Term: Good and Bad Points
My experience in the first term 2009
I learned several lessons about the different topics of each subject in the last term , but I believe that one of the most important topics for me was Dance and Understanding of the Social environment, because first of all I could learn to express my emotions and thoughts with my body through the music. Secondly I learned the importance of learning about history.
Generally I play Basketball on Saturday and in my free time I share with my classmates, my friends and my boyfriend or I work in packing in the Lider Supermarket once or twice a week and once on weekend.
The main challenges that I had to face last term were two. I had to read many text and I did several report for the different subjects too while I had to do other activities.
In my winter vacation my cousin Marcos was in the hospital during nine days because He lost a kidney then I visited him almost every day because I was very worried about him.
miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009
My blogging experience
I like this experiencie so so, because although I believe that the blog is a experiencie innovative for I can to perfect my english, but I thing that this activity need more time for that we spent it well . Although I enjoy, I believe that I could to enjoy more because the time busy went insufficient for I share and interact with my classmatter and I make a free write about my things, reflects and ideas. I thing that the advantage is that we practices our english vocabulary through a technological resource, besides we could correct us with my classmates and we can to learned of the experiencies of the other. Besides, the disavantages of the blogging are the few time and that in my case I don't internet so went dificult finished in due time and I spent more the blog.
My ideal job...
My ideal job would be a job to make possible the innovation, for example in my future I would like work as teacher in the clasroom and in the Educational Innovation Proyects, because I believe that is important that a job have sence for me and that I can decide, participate and put forward my ideas about matter of the work.
For this job I need to be capable of I observe, reflect, discuss and reach an agreement with other persons relate with the job.
I believe that I would be good at this job because fristly I lovely this type of job because I am an active and curious person and I like discovered and solved educational problems. Besides the carrer prepare us for the Action-Investigation at matter Educational.
The principal difficult that I would find in this kind of job is that the proposals of the investigation can't to make in the practice.
For this job I need to be capable of I observe, reflect, discuss and reach an agreement with other persons relate with the job.
I believe that I would be good at this job because fristly I lovely this type of job because I am an active and curious person and I like discovered and solved educational problems. Besides the carrer prepare us for the Action-Investigation at matter Educational.
The principal difficult that I would find in this kind of job is that the proposals of the investigation can't to make in the practice.
martes, 23 de junio de 2009
my favority subject
Having to choose a favority subject is difficult for me, because I like many subjetcs of this career, for example : Psychology, Development and Learning, Social history of Chile, Imaginary Infantile and Knowledge of Social Environment. I like this Subjetcs for diferent reasons, firstly because its contents are interesant for me;second because the teachers doesn´t develop a tradicional pedagogical Methodology, then we reflect about the topics of the subject and we can propose other topics of our interest too, besides I can to talk with they about the topics of the subjetc, besides we can to discuss with they and they answer our doubts too, they are willing to help their students all the time; and finally because this teachers are specialists in their subject.
My future
I would like to work in innovation proyect educational and I will specialize in the study about the special need of trainning and I could to work like psychopedagogist, this in the professional plane . I would like to have an own family (I will dislike more of four children), and I would like to travel too, first of all to Las Torres de Paine and later I would like to know the other Chile places and finally I would like to travel around the world, for example I would like to know Rome, Egypt, Canada and Brasil in the other places of the world.
But the most important for me is I could to keep like to my friends and my parents together for me and I will enjoy the life. I believe that this is the most important for me because the futuro is uncertain as I don't it that could happen. Only I wait to decide well following that it makes me feel well, in the future. I will dislike to die young and neither tragically.
But the most important for me is I could to keep like to my friends and my parents together for me and I will enjoy the life. I believe that this is the most important for me because the futuro is uncertain as I don't it that could happen. Only I wait to decide well following that it makes me feel well, in the future. I will dislike to die young and neither tragically.
miércoles, 17 de junio de 2009
The best in your area
The best in my area for me is Paulo Freire, because he propose a critize and social pedagogy. He established the basis for an education to service revolution` Liberation against the capitalism.
I like to talk about he, but hi main ideas about education are: we will have that to educate participatory and reflective tall through the dialogue between the teacher and student for that they educate each other and they discover the reality.
Really makes me feel like your theory and I apply it in my future teaching.
I like to talk about he, but hi main ideas about education are: we will have that to educate participatory and reflective tall through the dialogue between the teacher and student for that they educate each other and they discover the reality.
Really makes me feel like your theory and I apply it in my future teaching.
miércoles, 10 de junio de 2009
my career
I'm student Pre-School Teaching Training at Universidad de Chile. I chose it because I like to work with children, the curricular and this University too. But, specificaly I lovely that in this career we reflect about the problem and innovation of the education, however I dislike to make written homework often, but in this faculty we are asked to make writen homework very often. I will like to make useful and creative homeworks. I dislike that this career don't have the resources, bibliography, step of an experimental center and innovation proyect necessary.
My professional expectative for the future is I will work in innovation proyect educational and I will specialize in the study about the special need of trainning and I could to work like psychopedagogist.
My professional expectative for the future is I will work in innovation proyect educational and I will specialize in the study about the special need of trainning and I could to work like psychopedagogist.
miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009
comment on a photograph my cousin...

This`s my cousin Marco. We are only children and so we grew together like brother and sister. He spends almost all the time trainning free style on his motorbike. This photograph I took it this summer in the Expo-Carrera that takes place in the Arena Santiago. He make very triks in the sky with his motorbike, specifically in this photograph he is making the Superman trik.
miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009
my favotire piece of technology
My favorite piece of technology is the computer. my parents give it to me at Christmas about years ago, went really suprised for me, because it´s expensives and principally I needed it for my homeworks. But now i lovely it because i can to do with it a lot of task, for example i listen my prefer music while i do my homework or to surf the web and chat with my friends.
If I don`t have it, my live would be complicated. Because I would have to take more time going to a ciber and spending more money too.
If I don`t have it, my live would be complicated. Because I would have to take more time going to a ciber and spending more money too.
miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009
My best friend
I met to Mimi in the trainin of basquetball selection of our college, abuot seven years old. But we are best friends abuot five years ago, when we went classmates of the scientific subjects. my dearest memory about her unconditional with me when I was sad.
About Mimi I like that she is a good person and her happiness, but I dislike that she is always busy, so we can`t see us a lot. We always have great moments, I have so much fun when I'm with Mimi.
About Mimi I like that she is a good person and her happiness, but I dislike that she is always busy, so we can`t see us a lot. We always have great moments, I have so much fun when I'm with Mimi.
My last vacation

In January of this summer I went to the Laguna de Zapallar for a couple of weeks whit my boyfriend and his cuosins. We stayed in his mother´s grand mother's house. I think that is a place to relax because it's a litle village visit it for few people. Anyway we could visit the beach and Zapallar lagoon too, sometime we went to catch in the evening there, but we didn't catch much.
Laguna de Zapallar is near of several tourist places. Once, we went to Valaparaiso too, but only during the day. We went to the Concepción hill, I didn`t know it and I like very much and this moment I will never fouget abuot it; because the houses architecture is very colour and the streets too. I lovely it, I really enjoyed to go out for a walk in this place. We saw any mural in the walls of the streets. Later, we went to the Puerto de Valparaiso and we navegated in launch on the sea. I took any pictures of those places. We went to dance and to talk to a pub-discoteque during that nigth, later we returned to the Laguna de Zapallar on bus at the dawn.
I will wait to go Torres de Paine or to the South of Chile in my next summer vacation, but now, I whit my college together, we are organize "El paseo del Ombligo" for this winter vacation.
miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009
About me...
Hi!, I'm jeshu, I'm twenty two years old. I'm student Pre-School Teaching Training at Universidad de Chile . I love this carrer. I Live whith my family in Santiago of Chile, in Quilicura village. Besides I'm only child, but I would have liked to have brothers and sisters.
I like to play sports and to dance. I'm player basquetball, I play Basquetball in the Team JGM, the Campus Selection of the University specifically, and in the Team Dreams too, this team we to set up and to play with my friends in Quilicura. I love to listen music, but the Chilean Music is my favorite kind of music. Such as Nicole, Los Tres, Javiera Parra and Juana Fe.
I like to play sports and to dance. I'm player basquetball, I play Basquetball in the Team JGM, the Campus Selection of the University specifically, and in the Team Dreams too, this team we to set up and to play with my friends in Quilicura. I love to listen music, but the Chilean Music is my favorite kind of music. Such as Nicole, Los Tres, Javiera Parra and Juana Fe.
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