domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

My Experiencie learning English at the University

When I think about my experience learning English at the university, the first that I think is that I didn`t learn the sufficient. I believe that this is share responsibility. I mean by that is that I think there are aspects will can to improve for to improve the learning English of the students. In the case of the English Program I think that the main things are two problems and I think that I have responsability in this too.

In the case of the English Program I think that the problems that I lived were: I have adapted me to the diferent methodologies of the diferent teachers in each level, this it caused a discontinuous and unconnected process of learning English. Besides, often the classes didn´t have acording with we needs, interest and speeds of learning. But besides, personally, I believe that have to be fine say them my opinion to the teachers, but I didn´t said them, and I didn´t proposed them any idea. Besides, I have liked me to be more responsible of my learn. For example my debilitated is still the listening, and I think that I advanced very few during the course. I am in the fourth level and I didn´t can still to understand totally a conversation in English Language, my understand is poor, really.

For example the topics of test were frequently economy, sport, travel or places of the world. Personally, I have proximity and interest for the sport and travel. But, I considerer that if the topics will adapt itself to the experiences and interest of the students, we learning will more significant and we will learn more easy. If this will following to be for we more easy to speaking, listening and to will develop a conversation in English Language. The blogs that we developed in the English class are a clear example of this. I would to say that we developed topics according to our interest or experience; and personally, this helped me enough for the reading and writing.

Finally, I like emphasize about three aspects: The English Program is an initiative of the University that possible us to open the frontier in the knowledge and for to related with other persons. Is important that as all learning, this Program should to evaluate itself regulary for the improvement of the program and achievement of learning of students. As student we should to prone to developed our learning acording to our interests. In the future, I would to learn more English Languaje, while other languajes as Mapudungun, Italian and deaf-mute too.

sábado, 6 de noviembre de 2010

My first artistic photos

One of the memorable moment of my life was when I pose nude for an artistic photos. That moment was very special for me, because it was one of my dreams. It was a surprise for me really.

One day a friend showed me her artistic photos that a prominent photographer took of her. I think and I said her that the photos were beautiful really, beside I comented her that I dream with I pose nude for artistic photos. Then, later on other day she called me for she said me that the photographer would to took me artistic photographs for he publish it in the La Nación newspaper. I don´t can believe it!

When I commented to my parents this, they were disagree immediately, because they thinked that this was scandalous; then I decided to lay them and so I said them that I was not toking the photos.

I was nervous very much the day of the seasson, becasuse never I did not have experiencie, so this situacion was now and want it for me. Later of some minutes I relax me and I enjoid this experiencie very much. Beside, I felt me very comportable, because only we were with my friend and the photographer in the seasson. They helped me very much, beside she make up me and we enjoid very much the experiencie, we disscused the ideas, we laugh us and we eat several delicious foods.

Finally, when the photos were published on Sunday I showed us the newspaper to my parents and they does not can believe it, they were surprised really, later that they were disagree with that, they showed themself very happy because they said me that the photos was very beautiful , so they decided to keep the newspaper.

Later, I repeated the experiencia with other photographer, she is a student, and the photos are very good too. I think to keep doing this, because I lovely it.

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

A book that impressed me and I like very much was “Ser niño huacho en la historia de Chile”; because this related the position of the poor children in the Chile History. This work was developed for Gabriel Salazar; he is a distinguished Chilean historian. Beside, I like this book because it stimulate into recognition of the children as subject of history and also as tranforme subject of the history. Just as, I think that this book is very interesing and important, because the autor try to restored them to the children a name, an identity, but overcoat this work try to restored them your dignity.

This book describe the poor situacions from of year 1850 until the first decades of 1900. There, the huacho children is a popular sense that it to mean they born outside of the marriage, they do not parents, their parent are instable and rape and overcoast because they are poor.

I don´t know other books tackles this topic. I recommend this book to all the persons interes in the history and politic, or to the interesed persons about topic related with children or education. But, I think is necesary that we know the work of this author since school, because we should to build our own version abuot the history. He related a new history, that is, he propose and related a new history, a social history, it is diferent to the history tradicional.

miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010

How green are you?

I think, generally in Chile the people does not know environmentally friendly practices. This matter is fell spread in the school and the audiovisual aids; beside fell persons konw and to be interesed in this topic, just as, in the city does not implement the conditions for the enviroment care. This is worrying, because it is know, that some dayly practices of the human damage the enviromentally, and the pollution cause harmful effects on the human and other living (se, beside the pollution is a danger for the live and existence of the planet.

Some dayly practices do not contribute to enviroment care are for example: when you leave the computer on and you do not use it, you away the mobile phone, the batteries or books; the tree fell, the dust, when you use plastics products or disposable nappy; when you do not separate the garbage or you to fling the garbarage or the oil in inadequate places, you consume process food, you use incorrectly the car, and to smoke. Some products that you should to avoid to use are: chlorine, pesticide, hormones, phosphate, artificial coloring and artificial fire.

I do not incorporated recycling into my habits, but I make some dayly practices that it could to help into enviroment care. For example almost always I try to save water , hardly ever I do not throw garbarage on the ground, if I do not find a trash can near of me, I prefer to put the garbarege in my pocket or in my handbag and later I put it in a trash can. Beside, I try to use fell plastic bag, just as, when I do not use the household appliances, I turn off it, and to put out electricity too. Regrettablely, I use fell the bike for the transfer, because the University is very far, then, I have to leg the bus and underground. But, when I am in my city, I try to walk for transfer.

I do not join to any eco-organisations, because I do not have the enough time for to devote and it do not in my priority. Although, I like to know more about recyclin for I incorpored into my habits, and this way I help to the enviromentally care.

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010

According to the VOA Special English Health Report, written by Caty Weaver, when the persons sleep an amount enough hour according to their age, and anyway this amount hours are a bedtime routine, in consequence they get better results in different field of their development.

“ Parents know a nightly bedtime is not always easy to enforce. But researchers say bedtime rules may improve a child's development.”

Researchers say that the child go to bed around the same time every night and early bedtime, they get better results in score (higher score) and in the develop of the abilities in language, reading, and math skills. Beside, a study in the journal Sleep Medicine reveals that when the children go to bed after nine o`clock, they delayed more to fall asleep and slept less.

Other study says that the adults should slept between seven and eight hours each night; while the teenagers and young adults should slept nine hours or more. Like this, who make sport can to improve their performance ; for example the sporty persons run faster. They “should be part of an athlete's training program because reduce a sleep debt”

miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

Sex and the City: the movie

One of my favorite hobbies is I watch movies, really I enjoy it very much, therefore is difficult for me to choose alone one. My favorites genres are the drama, documentary, action, comedy, classic, animated, and finally the science-fiction.
The last movie that I watched went Sex and the City 1, but I do not watched it in the cinema, I watched it in my house, because, today it is not in the cinema as only it was released during the 2008 age.
This movie is base in the TV series of HBO channel ; the series call Sex and the City too, it went blockbuster. This movie narrate the story of the aventures of love of four friends New Yorkers. They are around thirty years old. The main caracter are four, those caracters went interpreted for the actresses Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Cynthia Nixon y Kristin Davis .
“Sex and the city: the movie” does not soundtrack. But, the responsible person of the realization of the music of this movie went Aaron Zigman.
Although, some experts critics think that the story of this movie is bad and discredits it to the series,personally and really I believe that this movie is very entertaining, its story is light and surprising. Also, we remember that the genres of this movie are the comedy and the romantic. Definitely, I recomend it. Also, if you like it this movie, you not should to miss the second part: " Sex and the city 2"

viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010

The “Piojera”, A typìcal chilean bar

The piojera is a typical, mystic and famous chilean cantinas. This bar is locate in Santiago, specifically this locate is opposite to the Mercado Central.

This bar operate since 1916. There, you should to know your especialidad, wich are typical chilean drinks and food. For example Pipeño and red wine, it´s produce in the Chillan town; or if you prefer to can to taste the white wine, or the “chicha”, the “ponche”, and the tradicional “cola de mono” and “terremoto” drink. I`d prefer to drink the “terremoto” or the “chicha”, because this drinks are sweet and delicious.

Besides, this bar offer several typical food too, just as the “perniles”, the “arrollados”, hard boiled egg, and the “parrilladas” (barbacue) with vegetable salad.

Its foodstuffs is cheap and delicious. you don`t worry if you have lilte money, because in this catinas the foodstuffs are cheap and very delicious, really.

Finally, you can to listen and enjoys of the popular Singer and popular music too. In general, this bar is visit for a variety of public; some of they are for example young people, adults, ald man and ald woman, foreigners, even politicals, in the other persons.

If you will visit at the Piojera, you had a really good time at this local.

La Piojera

Aillavilú Nº 1030

miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010

Patagonia: A country I would like to visit

I would to like to go to Patagonia because It`s a wonderful natural zone. The Patagonia is a Chilean country that it`s in the extreme south of chilean territory and it´s take up a portion of Antartic territory. You will be able to travel on an airplane or on an bus.

You will be able to visit several places, for example the Canales Patagónicos, the Torres del Paine, the Estrecho de Magallanes, the Tierra del Fuego, the Cabo de Hornos and the Antártica.
Anyway in this place, you will be able to make sport activities as Trekking in the Torres del Paine or sport fishing in Tierra del Fuego to.

The climate of this country is characterized by its very cold temperatures, howeber this climate better during september for that your will can to travel; because it´s characterized by its mild temperatures and few rainy day.

When I travel to Patagonia, I should take clothes and accessories for I protec oneself of the cold temperatures, anyway if I will decide camp I should take a good tent. I would like to take a bicycle for I will travel across the places of the Patagonia.